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Parent Information

ā€‹"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world ." ļ»æNelson Mandelaā€‹

Parents-Check Out our Classroom Management System CLASS DOJO ... Just click on the Lil' Monsters below


Volunteering does not necessarily mean you have to physically be in the classroom for hours at a time, although that is fine with me if your schedule allows. In fact, volunteering in the classroom for just three hours over the course of the entire school year is enough to make an impact. In fact, this idea is the foundation of The National Parent-Teacher Association's Three for Me program, encouraging and guiding busy parents through different ways to get involved at their children's schools.
ļ»æRead more ā€‹ā€‹here
Below are a few simple ways to volunteer in & out of the classroom. Your efforts are greatly appreciated:

In The Classroom:ļ»æ

ā€‹āœ½ Photo Copying
ļ»æāœ½ Bulletin Boardsā€‹
ā€‹ļ»æā€‹āœ½ ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹Field Trips
ā€‹āœ½ Party Volunteers
ā€‹āœ½ā€‹ Reading to Kids
āœ½ Tutoring

At Home:ļ»æ

ā€‹āœ½ ļ»æGrading Papers
āœ½ Cutting Out Projects
āœ½ Cutting Out Work



A Note To Parents

ā€‹Stay-Tuned:  Ask your child what he or she is studying, and look in the homework folder every night. The homework folder is where you will find daily UnHomework that needs to be completed, reading calendars, and important notes that are sent home. I will also send home progress reports, Dojo messages, or make phone calls if I feel that your child is not progressing as expected.


Class Dojo is meant to be used as a communication tool between myself, students and parents. Please check it often for helpful information, and important happenings at Diamond Ridge Elementary. 

Ask Questions:  If you have any concerns or are wondering why something is happening, please feel free to Dojo, call or email me.  I welcome all concerns, ideas, and feedback that affect your child or our classroom. If something is not working, I am more than willing to talk. I welcome all feedback!ā€‹

Homework:  You should expect that your child will have some type of homework activity Monday-Friday, as well as reading responsibilities on the weekend. You will always find the homework assignments written on an assignment log that is kept in the daily homework folder.  It will go home daily.  I encourage you to set up with your child a scheduled time for Unhomework activities each day, as well as time for reading.


*Please see below for detailed information about parent's nightly responsibilities for homework.


Arrival/Absences: Students are to arrive at school by the morning bell at 8:35. Students are not marked late until 8:40 when the tardy bell rings. Students may come to class up until 8:40 without having to first check in at the office. Any arrivals after 8:40 please send your child directly to the office so they can check them in.ā€‹ If your child is absent, please send me a message on Dojo to let me know. To have the absence excused, you will need to also contact the Diamond Ridge attendance secretary.


Super Tickets: Our class is working towards earning weekly Super Tickets. When we have earned a set amount of tickets, we are rewarded with a fun classroom activity. Your child can help us earn these tickets faster by being in school daily, arriving on time, and having great classroom behavior. ā€‹

Donation List

ā€‹I am always in need of different classroom supplies. Here is a list of supplies that come in handy throughout the school year:
ā€‹āœ³ Pretzels
āœ³ Dry Erase Markers
āœ³ Clorox Wipes
āœ³ Crayons
āœ³ Glue Sticks
āœ³ #2 Pencils
āœ³ Markersā€‹
āœ³ Colored Pencils
āœ³ Tissuesā€‹
āœ³ Books
āœ³ Board Games
āœ³ Auction Items

Field Trip Donations 
ā€‹The third grade team would like to take the students on a unique and fun field trip this year. We are asking that parents donate $10 a student. This can be donated in one lump sum, or throughout the school year. This is not mandatory, but is extremely helpful as we are not provided with full funding for field trip experiences. Please give donations to the office.
Astronaut 5.png

A Parent's Homework

Below is a helpful checklist for what a parent needs to do in my classroom to help their child succeed.
Sign my Calendar, Check my Folder!
ļ»æāœ” Reading Minutes & Calendars- As part of their homework your child must read for 20 minutes every night. Please list the amount of minutes they are reading on the corresponding date on their monthly calendars. These can be found on their homework folder cover. Example: If they read 20 minutes on September 1, then write 20 minutes and put your initials on the calendar in their folder for that date. If they read 0 minutes, then write a 0. Yes your child can read more than 20 minutes, but they still must read 20 a night.  
āœ” UnHomework- UnHomework is given on Monday and due on Fridays. UnHomework is not mandatory, but will help your child to earn extra classroom rewards. The goal of UnHomework is to create opportunities for you to engage with your child in a positive and non-stressful way. 
āœ” Folders- Please check your child's homework folder nightly in case they have an extra assignment they need to complete. We will write our homework assignments on our folder daily. 


ā€‹Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about homework by sending a Dojo message, email, phone, or jotting me a note. 
ā€‹Check out our Diamond Ridge Webpage & Granite District's Webpage


Check on your Child's Grades or Schedule an SEP Appointment with Mr. Christensen



Useful Websites for Parents

iReady Math coming soon

This site contains the Math Program we are currently using at Diamond Ridge. There are online games, videos, worksheets, and much more useful information for parents and students.


This site contains the National Core Curriculum for Third Grade.

This site contains age appropriate guides for helping your child learn to love reading. Divided into early childhood and school age children, the site also contains resources for helping your child with math, technology and other subjects. Additionally, there is an array of information about family matters.

This site contains guides on a variety of topics such as child development, curriculum connections, and technology for kids. It also shares information on hot issues in education. On the lighter side, there are games, stories, and guides to the TV programs offered by PBS. The guide is also available in Spanish. Bienvenidos a PBS Padres!

This site contains an engaging encyclopedia of the modern (and not so modern world, with good illustrations and clear text. 

Dear Parents,ā€‹

Please read with your child nightly! This is the best thing a parent can do to improve a child's education. Check out this great chart on reading 20 minutes a day!



Mr. C

















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